NYC Parking Garage Attendant Shot 2 Times Fights Back Shooting Attacker then GETS ARRESTED
This is the environment created by Alvin Bragg. A New York City parking garage attendant was charged with attempted murder after an alleged violent confrontation with a thief. The attendant was shot twice during the reported robbery attempt but managed to wrestle the gun away from the attacker and fire back at the attacking thief.
Parking garage attendant Moussa Diarra, 57, was arrested and charged with attempted murder, assault, and criminal possession of a weapon for simply defending himself.
After some uproar – Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has stated that he will not prosecute the parking-garage attendant. Bragg – who is already under fire for indicting former President Donald Trump last week in a fraud-related case – will dismiss the case against Diarra “pending further investigation,” his office said.
The House Judiciary Committee announced on Monday it will hold a field hearing in New York City to “examine how Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s pro-crime, anti-victim policies have led to an increase in violent crime and a dangerous community for New York City residents.”
After the Trump indictment, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, accused Bragg of “unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority” and demanded that Bragg testify before Congress.
“In light of the serious consequences of your actions, we expect that you will testify about what plainly appears to be a politically motivated prosecutorial decision,” Jordan wrote in a letter to Bragg last month.
So, George Soros has put up tens of millions of dollars to install dozens of enemies of our country into very powerful positions. What happened to Mr Diarra is just one example of hundreds of the resulting human tragedies. It all amounts to a vicious, sustained attack on America, and to hate Donald Trump is tantamount to being complicit in those attacks.
For anyone to just ignore such nasty machinations of Soro’s minions, or to not even know about it, to then point at President Donald Trump as the problem, is ludicrous. No one of sane and sound mind would ignore the unleashing of violent criminals onto the citizens, and then the extortion of a US President by way of prosecutorial misconduct, by the likes of Alvin Bragg. In short, that DJT is the target of Soro’s nefarious goons places him automatically on the side of good. To not understand that is to not understand that 1+1=2.
“The World order needs a major overhaul”
– George Soros
What type of overhaul? Who benefits from such an overhaul, and who suffers from it? Who the hell is this guy to decide what that overhaul is? Why is there major violent crime spiking hard in every city where Soros funded Districts Attorney and Judges preside?
To hate Donald Trump is to be in league with criminality, wittingly, or unwittingly. Hey, George Walker Bush, is it the former, or the latter? Hey Mitt Romney. Hey Dick and Liz Cheney.
Trump haters can all write down any of their grievances, roll that paper up, and shove it where the sun don’t shine. Then go hump the legs of George Soros and his horrid little horde of merchants of death.